Cowgirl - Where to find Squash Blossoms

So you’ve been saving your cash monies for quite some time now so you can buy the perfect squash blossom, now where do you start? Maybe you’re an eBay phenomenon and don’t mind spending hours searching through all the uglies to get to one great piece. However, if you like someone to do the leg work for you, then you won’t be disappointed with ANY of these ladies and their ability to find the most beautiful vintage squashes for the best prices. Now, don’t think you’re going to get a $2,000 squash for $100 or anything, because these are still high quality pieces, but these ladies certainly aren’t going to screw you over! Just like all great business women, these shop keepers are accommodating, friendly and you will know exactly what you’re getting and where it’s coming from. Unlike the scariness and uncertainty that comes with shopping on eBay.

Buying a squash blossom is a big deal for most of us. It’s the equivalent of picking out the perfect diamond for us western fashionistas. So know where to look and who to trust. I follow all these ladies very closely and even though I already have a squash, they certainly know how to tempt a gal. I recommend finding them on social media, looking around, and if you don’t see THE ONE at first glance, no worries. They constantly update their stock. Another bit of advice… if you see THE ONE, don’t fool around too long, because honey, they sell quick!

Happy squash shoppin’ y’all! 

Cowgirl - Where to find Squash Blossoms

The Dirty Gringa


Instagram @thedirtygringa

Cowgirl - Where to find Squash Blossoms

Western Chic Couture


Instagram @westernchiccouture

Cowgirl - Where to find Squash Blossoms

Poohs Corner of the World

Etsy Shop

Cowgirl - Where to find Squash Blossoms

Backwoods Barbie Couture

Instagram @backwoods.barbie.couture

Cowgirl - Where to find Squash Blossoms

Vaquera Style


Instagram @vaquerastyle


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