Miniature horses have been around for quite a long time, but it wasn’t until the 1960s that the breed became widely known in the United States. These adorable equines have been bred to be pets and work animals. If you have ever dreamed about owning a mini horse, here’s your chance to gather some facts!Cowgirl - Miniature Horse

1. Miniature horses require a lot less space than a regular-sized horse! In fact, they don’t need as much hay or grain either. You must actually be careful about them getting too much grass, which can make them founder. A 1/2 acre to 3/4 acre lot would be acceptable for a mini horse or two.

Cowgirl - Miniature Horse
Photo courtesy of Muzik Hounds at Flickr.

2. These pint-sized critters make awesome companions to large horses. It does depend on the temperament of both horses, but generally they will get along great. When owning two full-sized horses isn’t an option, you can save money and space by buying a mini friend for your horse.

Cowgirl - Miniature Horse
Photo courtesy of Brianna at Flickr.

3. There is so much to do with your miniature horse! You can teach them to drive and pull a small cart. Some larger minis can even be saddle broke for little children. There are halter and jumping classes, obstacles courses, and a ton of other showing opportunities. These little guys also do well as therapy animals.

Cowgirl - Miniature Horse

4. It costs much less to own a miniature horse. The initial purchase is generally smaller ranging from a hundred or two to several thousands at most. The upkeep is also considerably cheaper. They cost around $50 a month compared to around $150 or more for a regular horse. Most minis only get hoof trims, which range from $10 to $30. Because the equipment is smaller in size, it too generally cost less.

Owning a miniature horse is both rewarding and fun! They can entertain you for hours with their amusing personalities and spunkiness. I hope you’ll consider the benefits of buying one of these precious horses.

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