Rosie-2While the rest of the world will be trying to capture all the sass and spirit of us cowgirls this Halloween, we’ll be sporting some fun, sexy costumes that think outside the ranch. Here are 8 cowgirl Halloween costumes that are always cute and classic!

Rosie the Riveter is not only a total icon for woman, she is rocking that jumpsuit! Tie a cute handkerchief in your hair, pull on your best butt-kicking boots and flex those muscles, girl!PinkLady-2“Grease” is a cinema classic, and the Pink Ladies were the original #GirlSquad. Flaunt your 195os sass in this cute and easy getup! Lucy-2We love Lucy! The Queen of Screwball Comedy is the perfect muse for your Halloween costume. The trick is perfecting those crazy red ringlets!Disco-2With this 70s revival in full swing in the fashion world, why not break out a pair 0f fabulous go-go boots, your shortest, sparkliest mini dress, and get ready to groove!Catwoman-2Catwoman is classic for a reason: a sleek black catsuit is one of the sexiest looks in the business. And it alway looks good with a cute pair of black cowgirl boots 🙂Cleopatra-2For all you history buffs and Elizabeth Taylor lovers, Cleopatra is the costume for you. Wrap a sheet around you like a toga and cover yourself in gold costume jewelry, or opt for a more colorful, regal look. But don’t forget that dramatic cat-eye makeup and tons of gold eyeshadow!Flapper-2The 1920s have been having a “moment” for several years now. Why? Because the Flapper has everything a good costume needs! Flirty dress, fun accessories, and the chance to practice your Charleston!wonderwoman-2Every cowgirl is a superhero in our opinion, so why not dress like one! Channel your inner Wonder Woman in this patriotic outfit. Don’t forget your red cowgirl boots!

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