Cowgirl - Cider

You’ll be shocked when you see how healthy and affordable apple cider vinegar can be. Not only is it great for people, but your horse can reap the benefits as well! From the inside out, you’ll notice amazing changes. Get in charge of your horse’s health by eliminating products with questionable ingredients, instead look for simpler, natural remedies.

1) Mane and tail conditioner/ detangler: Put apple cider vinegar (ACV) mixed with water in a spray bottle for a final touch. It will leave the hair shiny and feeling amazing.

2) Hoof issues: The infected hoof can be soaked in a mixture of ACV and water. Horse owners have noticed improvements in thrush and abscesses.

3) Pain and stiffness: When ACV is fed daily, your horse can experience improved joint health.

4) Fungus: ACV has been known to speed up the healing time of wounds and prevent fungus or bacteria from infecting the area. It should be diluted though.

5) Digestive health: Your horse will absorb minerals and experience better digestion with the addition of ACV.

6) Founder-prone horses: It can slow the absorption of sugar into the bloodstream.

7) Intestinal stones: The vinegar prevents blockages known as enteroliths.

8) Insect control: ACV will keep away flies and other insects when fed or sprayed onto your horse.

9) Unfamiliar water: The taste of ACV can disguise water from a new barn for horses that are very picky.

10) Improve pastures: It is known as a powerful weed killer. Spray it on and watch the weeds die.

It is advised to feed no more than one cup of apple cider vinegar daily. It should also be diluted with water at a 50/50 ratio. Look for excellent quality ACV that contains “the mother”. It should be raw and organic. You’ll notice great results if you give this product a shot!

Cowgirl - Cider

Bragg Organic Raw Apple Cider Vinegar, $5.59; Vitacost

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