Cowgirl - BarnyardThere are plenty of farm animals that make great companions for your horse. Do you have any other critters in your barnyard? Let’s take a look at some fantastic furry friend combos!
 Cowgirl - Barnyard
These ponies and goats don’t seem to mind sharing a run-in together.
Cowgirl - Barnyard
Most horses don’t like being kept alone and sometimes owning two isn’t an option. Goats, sheep, and other farm animals can be the perfect addition to your barnyard.
Cowgirl - Barnyard
These two are great friends. Alpacas and llamas can even provide comfort to a lonely horse. Don’t forget to introduce your horse slowly to the new farm animal. There isn’t always harmony between the two different species.
Cowgirl - Barnyard
If your horse is frightened or uninterested in the new barn member, don’t give up right away. Sometimes they just need a little time to warm up to them.

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