Maximiliane has two dreams.  They’re the dreams of many young girls.  She wants to learn to ride a horse and to have a horse of her very own.  In the new book Horse Fun:  Facts and Activities for Horse-Crazy Kids authors Gudrun Braun, Anne Scheller, and Anika Hage take readers into the world of horse lover, Maximiliane as she embarks on a journey to become an equestrian and prove herself worthy of owning a horse. 

Maxi keeps a daily journal that includes information about the she’s taking, the type of saddles and bridles she’s using, and the anatomy of the horse.  The enthusiastic girl shares what she’s learned about the care and feeding of a horse, the kinds of healthy treats you can give your ride, and how to prepare for your first riding test. 

In addition to the valuable instructions about how to stay balanced in your seat, how to ride in a group, and how to jump, Horse Fun contains a myriad of inventive crafts horse-crazy kids can make such as charm bracelets, grooming tote bags, and picture frames. 

Horse Fun: Facts and Activities for Horse-Crazy Kids is for all horse-crazy kids no matter how old they might be.

Reviewed by Chris Enss, COWGIRL Book Editor, and a New York Times best-selling author who writes about women of the Old West. 

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