Cowgirl - Bucking

A bucking horse is usually under mental or physical distress. Your horse can be perceiving a certain situation as an attack or general annoyance. Sometimes, improper fitting tack or uncontrolled energy from a young horse can be the root. Ornery horses might even develop a habit of bucking off inexperienced riders.

Your goal should be to evaluate why your horse is bucking and how you can resolve the issue. It might be time to seek an experienced trainer. Regardless of why your horse is doing it, here’s how to ride through a buck:

1) As the rider, you need to position yourself correctly. Sit deep into the saddle, lean back, and try to get your hips relaxed so they can follow the movement. Your shoulders and heels should be down. Don’t dig your heels into his sides. You can try to talk to your horse in quiet, gentle tones.

2) Get the horse to disengage his hindquarters. You can do this by pulling a rein to the left or right and attempting to get him into a small circle. Do not let up until he is standing still. Repeat on the other side. Do not brace against him by pulling both reins at the same time.

3) Try to keep him going forward. You can apply rhythmic pressure with your legs and open a rein to encourage him to travel in that direction. A horse with forward momentum will have trouble bucking.

4) Keep as calm as you can. In the event you feel uncomfortable or out of control, it might be best to dismount. Kick your feet from the stirrups and pick a side to quickly dismount to.

Get experienced help if your horse has become too much for you to handle. A bucking horse can be very dangerous. Work to resolve the issue by getting to the root of it!

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