Another year has gone by! As you start planning your resolutions for 2022, consider this idea instead... Choose a single word that will define your new year. This word could be what you want to focus on or improve upon. It could be for your entire life or just the barn! Most could use some inspiration and positive vibes right about now.

Word of the Year

The point of a focus word is to encourage you to think about it and its meaning each time you make a decision. Ask yourself... What do you want more of in your life? Less of? And what is something you can improve on?

Horse riders can post this word up in the barn, so each and every ride starts and ends with it. What a great way to stay motivated! If you're like most cowgirls, then you spend a lot of time at the barn and with your horse. Think about your horse training goals and how you'd like to improve as a rider.

Some ideas include:

  • Balance
  • Boundaries
  • Calm
  • Confidence
  • Determination
  • Explore
  • Friends
  • Gratitude
  • Hope
  • Imagination
  • Love
  • Memories
  • No
  • Peace
  • Power
  • Renewal
  • Simple
  • Strength
  • Treasure
  • Unstoppable
  • Worth
  • Yes

Will you ride with confidence?... Spend more time trail riding with friends?... Or even explore a new discipline?... The possibilities for this new year are endless!

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