fur babies Family Photos With Your Fur Babies cowgirl magazine cowboy hat steer duster weenie dog Aussies Aussie Australian shepherd
Photo courtesy of Jynnifer Lacy Photography.

A lot more people are starting to include their fur babies in their family photos, as they should! They are just as much a part of your family as any of the other members! Jynnifer Lacy Photography captured some beautiful shots of the Kelley’s and their FOUR fur babies!

fur babies Family Photos With Your Fur Babies cowgirl magazine
Photo courtesy of Jynnifer Lacy Photography.

“My sweet husband and four pup children are my world. These pictures were captured on our property in Weatherford, Texas, which makes it even more special and dear to my heart.

fur babies Family Photos With Your Fur Babies cowgirl magazine
Photo courtesy of Jynnifer Lacy Photography.

“I can’t wait to take pictures here every year to show how much we change and grow each year. We may look like we have it all together in these pictures, but you should’ve seen the behind the scenes for these!

fur babies Family Photos With Your Fur Babies cowgirl magazine
Photo courtesy of Jynnifer Lacy Photography.

“Each of my dogs has a different personality, and I feel as though she captured each one of theirs by their facial expressions. Lacy, the photographer, is absolutely amazing and a dear friend of mine as well.

fur babies Family Photos With Your Fur Babies cowgirl magazine
Photo courtesy of Jynnifer Lacy Photography.
“She knows exactly what to do to capture amazing moments and memories. She may be behind the camera and unseen, but she by far has the biggest role.

fur babies Family Photos With Your Fur Babies cowgirl magazine
Photo courtesy of Jynnifer Lacy Photography.
“I love my little family and I can’t wait to see if we have any more additions for next years photo, whether it be another dog or our sweet mule, Hidee. You never know what animal I can talk my husband into next!” -Kylie Kelley

fur babies Family Photos With Your Fur Babies cowgirl magazine
Photo courtesy of Jynnifer Lacy Photography.
Love the idea of having animals in your shoot? Click here!

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