As the weather changes, so does our hair. The sudden change in climate can dry out our locks making them brittle and more susceptible to damage. Find out what products we love using during these transitions to keep our hair healthy, shiny and hydrated.


CHI Keratin Silk Infusion 

If you’ve been hitting the heat styling products hard lately and noticed your hair has become damaged and/or dry, this promises to reverse that. The natural keratin rebuilds the hair’s cuticle while silk works its way deep into your hair to keep moisturize in and smooth the cuticle. Available at Ulta, $26.50.

Ojon Rare Blend Oil Rejuvenating Therapy

One drop of this miracle oil and you are off to having smooth, silky, soft, frizz-free and hydrated hair. This multibenefit oil does it all! Available at Sephora, $35.

Hairdresser’s Invisible Oil Heat/UV Protective Primer

If you are going to heat style your hair, we highly recommend using a couple spritz’s of this. It combats frizziness, detangles and protects against breakage all while keeping your hair soft and silky. Available where Bumble and bumble, $26.

Number 4 Super Comb Prep & Protect

Spritz this on after you towel dry your hair and let the hydration begin! This uses natural conditioners like black currant, soy yogurt, algae and yerba mate to restore hydration and any repair any damage caused by heat and chemical styling. Available at Birchbox, $32.

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