Happy 25th birthday, Spirit!

Many people love the heroic horse from the DreamWorks’ movie Spirit: Stallion of the Cimarron. The Kiger mustang stallion lent his likeness and personal flair 2002 film. Spirit now roams the foothills of California’s central coast, however he is much more than a pasture ornament. Spirit is an ambassador for Kiger Mustangs. He is also a loved member of Return to Freedom and an inductee of  Equus Hall of Fame.

It is no wonder he deserves such a grand birthday celebration! Join Spirit and Return to Freedom Wild Horse Sanctuary on Saturday, May 9th for a virtual benefit celebration of Spirit’s birthday. Spirit’s birthday party will include video messages of insights from co-director Lorna Cook and screenwriter John Fusco. There will also be a silent auction and other activities.

Spirit's Birthday Cowgirl Magazine
Spirit’s 25th Birthday Celebration. Photo courtesy Return to Freedom.

Throw on your party hats, watch Spirit: Stallion of the Cimarron and celebrate Spirit’s quarter century blow out!

To learn more about the real life spirit read Meet The Real Life Horse That The Fictional Spirit Was Inspired By.

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