While you’re at home, you might as well decorate, right? This one’s for all the cozy cowgirls out there that want a comfy space to curl up in 24/7!

Throw blankets

Nothing a cozy cowgirl likes better than a soft blanket at the end of a long day!



Huge knit blankets

If there’s anything better than a regular throw blanket, it’s one of these. How cozy do these look?!

Soft light

Soft light can be very soothing, especially at nighttime. Try either soft natural light, candles, or holiday lights.

Warm colors

Warm colors just make you want to snuggle up on the couch! If that’s the mood you’re going for, incorporate some warmth in your room with color or light.


Yummy candles

Flowers, fresh-baked dishes, and everything in between…except easier! Try Bath & Body Works, Yankee Candle, or even Walmart (believe it or not, their candles hold up).

Is the cozy cowgirl in you inspired? We hope so! For more home decor ideas, check out this Montana family ranch (it’s gorgeous).

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