Electric fencing like rope or tape is a great way to keep your horses contained. Most horses will respect the fence and not push on it. It's also affordable and easy to install. There are some differences between the two types though. You'll need to decide which one works best for your farm!

Rope Vs Tape

Poly rope fencing is braided wire. It's a durable option and very strong! It will work well in windy areas. With proper maintenance, this type of fencing can last 20 to 30 years. Many will use it as permanent fencing. It has a nice look to it!

rope fencing cowgirl magazine

Poly tape works well as horse fencing because of its visibility. It's lightweight and easy to install. Horses are less likely to get tangled up in it, unlike rope. Generally, it lasts between 5 and 7 years though.

Ultimately, it's a personal decision. Rope will hold up longer, but can be more dangerous if the horse gets tangled in it. Tape is usually more affordable upfront, though will need to be replaced quicker.

If you're interested in rope fencing, check out ElectroBraid. You can find tape fencing like American FarmWorks poly tape at stores like Tractor Supply.

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