Every spring and summer horse owners gear up for the fight against ticks. They have to protect not only themselves, but their horses. There are many types that will latch onto your horse, including deer and dog ticks. Unfortunately, some carry nasty diseases! It's important you protect your horse against them.

Tick Prevention

Topical spot-on treatment: You can apply a product designed to keep them off your horse. Most last roughly 14 days though.

Fly sprays: Some fly sprays will also keep ticks away. Read the label and find one that has dual purpose.

Clean up your horse's environment: You can reduce populations by trimming pastures and fence lines. Don't let the grass around your barn get overgrown. You should also remove brush from grazing areas.

Keep wildlife away: Many ticks attach to raccoons, deer, opossums, and other wildlife, so don't encourage them to come around.

Invest in tick predators: Chickens and guinea hens are known to eat them.

Spray your property: There are products you can spray your yard with to keep ticks away, though make sure they're horse-friendly.

Ultimately, your horse may still end up with one attached. You'll need to check them daily and remove any that your find! Some prime areas to look include their head, ears, under their tail, mane, and throat.

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