Does your recipe call for a sifter and you don’t seem to have one? Or maybe you need to mince garlic and wish you had a garlic mincer? Either way, kitchen gadgets come in handy whether we like to admit it or not. Check out these cute kitchen gadgets below that any cowgirl would be happy to have.

Sculpted Pig Cutting Board

This cute piglet makes a great cutting board for your veggies and fruit. Display it on your kitchen counter when you’re not using it. It’s too cute to hide in a cupboard, after all. Available at Pottery Barn, $39.50.

Courtly Check Colander

Wash your fruits and veggies easily in this cute check colander. The black and white colors make it completely versatile and gives it a modern, country look. Available at Horchow, $50.

Maelle Rolling Pin

Not only does this rolling pin have an interesting detail that a true cowgirl could appreciate, but it’s perfect for making those homemade pies your mother always wanted you to make. Available at Anthropologie, $18.

Avocado Slicer

Another kithen utensil you didn’t know you needed. This makes slicing those homegrown avocados extra easy and less messy. Available at Crate & Barrel, $10.

Sparrow Clips 

Need something to keep that chip bag closed? Or perhaps keep that bag of trail mix shut? These sparrow clips will come in handy much more than you think. Available at World Market, $10 for 16. 

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