Many horse owners have to decide whether to turn their horse out at night or keep them stalled. In the summer, this question becomes even more important. There are quite a few reasons why evening turnout is more ideal in warmer months. It also has its share of cons.

Pros for Night Turnout

  • Less bugs in the evening
  • Don't need a fly mask, sheet, or leg wraps
  • Cooler temperatures in the summer
  • No risk of sunburn
  • Horse is able to graze
  • They can move around
  • Won't make a mess in the stall

Evening Turnout Cons

  • Longer span of time before they're checked on
  • Must have visible fencing
  • Overnight storms
  • Danger from wildlife
  • Colder temperatures in the winter

You'll have to decide if you want to turn your horse out 24/7 or only half the day. If you choose half days, then will you turn out in the mornings and afternoons or overnight? Give it some thought and weigh these pros and cons.

Often, the weather will influence your decision. Many people turnout at night in the summer and leave their horses in during the hottest parts of the day. This gets reversed in the winter when temperatures are frigid.

Read up on: The Importance Of Turnout!

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