Ah, the elusive cat eye. So popular, yet it can be hard to create. COWGIRL put together a quick cat eye that’s perfect for any occasion! You’ll need:

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Add some dimension to your lids.
Smashbox Photo Edit Eyeshadow Trio Nude Pic Fair, $22, Nordstrom.
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Draw the perfect winged liner.
Maybelline Eye Studio Master Precise Eyeliner, $6.99, Target.
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Finish off your eyes with some curling mascara for just the right amount of drama.
Benefit Roller Lash Curling & Lifting Mascara, $25, Ulta.

Here’s how to create the look:

Draw a line.

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Following your natural eye shape, draw a singular line that will be the outside of your wing. Draw the line as if you were extending your bottom lash line outward.

Bring the line across your lid.

cowgirl cat eye makeup cowgirl magazine
Draw from the end of your wing line inward across your eyelid, staying as close to your lash line as possible. Do this without stretching your eyelid flat, as this can lead to wrinkles.

Connect the inner corner.

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Using a careful, light hand, draw a line connecting the inner corner to the line you’ve already drawn across your eyelid.
cowgirl cat eye makeup cowgirl magazine
Go back and smooth out any rough edges and perfect your wing point.

Add some mascara and you’re good to go, girlfriend! This liner will stay in place whether you’re riding or out on the town.

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