The American Quarter Horse ranks as the most popular breed in America. Furthermore, the American Quarter Horse Association is the world's largest horse registry! Not only are they very athletic, but they're also hardworking and laidback. There's so much to love about this breed. It's easy to see why so many choose them!

Top Reasons Quarter Horses Are Better Than Most

  1. They're known for their good temperament. Quarter horses are usually easygoing and friendly!
  2. This breed is incredibly versatile. From barrel racing and roping, to jumping and dressage, they're top performers.
  3. Some have "cow sense", which allows them to work easily with cattle. Many ranchers depend on these types of horses!
  4. You won't see a rodeo without one. Their muscular, compact frame makes them good for barrel racing, pole bending, roping, and other rodeo events.
  5. Some even become successful race horses. They can run short distances very fast (upwards of 55 mph).
  6. They make great family horses. Quarter Horses are very dependable!
  7. The breed has roots in American history. They're icons of the Wild West.
  8. Their beauty is undeniable. They come in a range of colors- black, chestnut, bay, buckskin, palomino, roan, etc...
  9. Most are easy keepers.
  10. The community is very welcoming. You can find shows and organizations throughout the United States.

Do you agree? No ranch is complete without one!

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