Haflingers are a picture of beauty- a long, flowing white mane and golden body that glistens in the sun. Their distinct coloring and strong work ethic make them a favorite of many! These easy keepers can be seen on the trails and in the arena. They compete in English and Western disciplines. If you haven't had the chance to meet one, then you're missing out!

Reasons to Love Haflingers

haflinger cowgirl magazine
  1. They're beautiful! This breed comes in one color, though you'll find many different shades within it.
  2. Haflingers are very sturdy. While smaller in statue, they can easily support an adult rider.
  3. Their versatility makes them ideal for anyone. You can find them on the trails, in ranch classes, pulling a wagon or cart, and performing dressage.
  4. Most Haflingers are very friendly and easy-going. They're known for their mellow personality.
  5. They bond easily with their rider.
  6. Haflingers are quite intelligent and curious by nature. This makes them very trainable!
  7. They're called 'Fatlingers' for a reason. Most are very easy keepers and gain weight without trouble.
  8. This breed has a cool history that can be traced back to the Middle Ages. They carried riders through narrow trails in the Tyrolean Mountains.
  9. The American Haflinger Registry puts on a lot of fun events and shows.
  10. The Haflinger community is awesome! They welcome newbies and experienced horse folks alike.

You'll find a wide spectrum of these horses from the drafty ones to the sport horse types. Depending on your goals and interest, a Haflinger may be the perfect option for you!

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