Even the quietest of horses can buck every once in a while. Whether they're feeling fresh or something spooked them, your horse may buck for a number of reasons. You'll want to be able to stay on and ride through it! With the right tips, you can get control of your horse and avoid a spill.

Follow These Steps to Ride A Buck

Before you even get on, you should check your horse's tack and body each ride. The tack should fit appropriately and not show signs of heavy wear. You'll also want to look over your horse's body for injuries or areas of soreness. A sore or uncomfortable horse is likely to buck. Prevention is key here!

  1. Once you're in the saddle, you'll need to stay relaxed. If they begin to act up, don't panic!
  2. To ride out a buck, stretch your legs down and press your heels to the ground. Sit on the pockets of your jeans and try to go with the motion. Gripping with your heels or spurs will only make matters worse.
  3. You'll want to get your horse's head up. This can be achieved by driving them forward and lifting your inside hand up. If you pull back on both reins, then your horse may brace against them. So, up not back!
  4. Your horse should stop bucking once you get them forward and their head up.

These steps need to be done in a quick, fluid motion.

Your safety is important, so do an emergency dismount if you don't feel like you can handle the horse.

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