Rope Halter

A rope halter can be used in groundwork and under saddle. They’re usually made with special nylon material and constructed through a series of knots. It might take you a few tries, but you can have your very own DIY rope halter with this tutorial.


  • Lighter
  • Scissors
  • Yard Stick
  • 18 ft Rope

Polyester or nylon yacht rope is recommended. It will give you a durable, high-quality halter designed to withstand barn life. You can buy some online at the Homestead Tack Store.

To make this halter, you’ll need to learn the double overhand knot and the fiador knot. It can be a little tricky to master them, but with some practice you’ll be a pro.

Watch this video tutorial for a step-by-step guide on how to make the knots and bring it all together.

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