Has your kid been bitten by the horse bug? Get ready for the exciting adventure of being a mom to a horse crazy child. This isn't a phase for a true horse lover. Their love for these amazing animals just grows stronger every day. There will be some highs and lows, but it's a promise that horses will teach them valuable life lessons!

A Horse Lovin' Kid

  1. They talk about horses all the time!
  2. A horse is on their wishlist every Christmas and birthday.
  3. Their room is decorated with model horses, ribbons from shows, and countless horse posters.
  4. You're constantly telling your toddler to stop riding the dog.
  5. Your child gallops around the room neighing.
  6. They point out every horse on your road trips.
  7. Instead of taking your teen clothes shopping, they want to go to the tack store.
  8. Their notebooks have horse doodles all over them.
  9. They've checked out every horse book at the library.
  10. They jump out of bed Saturday morning to go to the barn, but struggle to wake up early all week long.

Do you have a horse crazy kid? Count yourself lucky! Many cowgirls dream of sharing their passion of riding with their children.

Cowgirl Hotlist

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