This holiday season take some time to count your blessings. Most equestrians will say they're thankful for their horse and ability to ride. It's the little things that inspire riders to get back in the saddle or make daily trips to the barn. There's no place as wonderful!

thankful cowgirl magazine

Be Thankful For...

  1. A fuzzy horse that you can cuddle when your fingers get too cold.
  2. The smell of fresh hay, clean tack and your horse!
  3. Barn friends that are ready to hear all about your last ride.
  4. Family members that support your horse dreams.
  5. The blue ribbon that you and your horse worked your butt off for.
  6. A kind instructor who boosts your confidence and makes you a better rider.
  7. Every horse you've ever ridden. They all teach us something!
  8. A barn loft stuffed with hay. Winter can come!
  9. New tack that you scored big savings on. Hello, Black Friday.
  10. The sound of a crunching candy cane. A happy horse = a happy rider!

It's time to get in the holiday spirit! What are you thankful for?

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