PC: Cimarron Trailers

Trailering your horse on long hauls can be stressful! It’s important you take a few precautions in order to make the experience pleasant for everyone. You can reduce stress by following these helpful hints and tips.

1. Take a break: If trailering for longer than four hours, take a 15-20 minute break every four to five hours. It’s not necessary to unload, rather park and just allow your horse to rest their legs for a few minutes. For trips over 24 hours, find a place to stay and allow your horse to have time off the trailer.

2. Fill the hay net: Chewing on hay during long hauls can reduce boredom and keep your horse occupied. Make sure to tie it where they can reach it, but can’t get their legs caught up.

3. Keep them hydrated: The day before you hit the road you can administer electrolytes so your horse is more interested in drinking. During the trip, you should offer water every few hours. Ideally, you should bring water from your home barn.

4. Avoid boots: While shipping boots and wraps can be helpful for short trips, they can actually cause more harm on longer travels. This is especially true in hot weather.

5. Have these items on hand: You’ll want to make sure you bring your horse’s coggins and health certificate, first-aid kit, water bucket, extra hay, and spare halter and lead.

Happy travels!

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