Horse Game
Your answers are leaving this little fellow shocked!

It can be fun to find out what other horse lovers like and don’t like. Try your hand at this horse game to see how much you have in common with your fellow equestrians. You’ll see everything from horse breeds to types of riding.

The Yay or Neigh Game

Do you like or dislike these things?

1) Appaloosa Horses

Horse Game
Would you own this horse breed?

Do you like this breed? Give them a yay or neigh! They’re loud and flashy. Some can’t get enough of their wild spots, while others prefer a more standard color. Appaloosa horses also make great riding partners. They’re athletic and can be seen in western and English disciplines.

2) Winter at the Barn

Horse Game
Walking in a winter wonderland.

First, you probably have to decide if you even like winter. Frozen buckets can make life harder, but frozen paddocks mean less mud. What’s your verdict?

3) Riding on the Beach

Horse Game
Sand beneath their hooves.

Are you a beach bum? Even if you’ve never ridden on the beach, could you see yourself enjoying it? There’s a lot to love, but some things to consider…sand can be gritty, the sun can be blazing, and trailering can be rough.

4) The Smell of the Barn

Horse Game
So many different scents!

A trip to the barn is always filled with unique scents. There’s hay, grain, fly spray, tack cleaner, manure, and many other unique smells.

5) Rodeos

Horse Game
Roping is just one of the many disciplines you’ll see.

The roaring crowd, the fast and wild, and plenty of horses. Some love it and others could care less. It’s definitely a unique scene.

What do you think about the yay or neigh game? Share your thoughts on Cowgirl Magazine’s Facebook page!

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